onsdag 21. desember 2011

Been a while since my last post. I haven't done much animation work during the weekend due to the fact that I'm back with my family and friends. So been a bit more social than usual, that's for sure. But I have managed to get some work done on the lip sync in the past two days. I actually ended up with deleting the keys on the entire right arm yesterday (the one holding the walkie talkie).
I felt I had lost control of the keys, and it seemed easier to start over than to try and fix it. It's still a lot of work needed, but I think it might end up better afterwards. I've also tried to make the body-movements less "drifty". I will continue working on it tonight, I feel I need to get it on the "right track" before I start thinking about the other tasks. I also need to enjoy the holidays a bit! Hehe.

On my trip over here I travelled with both plane and train, which means I spent a lot of time waiting..
But there is a positive outcome of this; It's the perfect opportunity to observe people.
- Airports are fantastic!
People from all over the world gathered in one area - waiting.
There's different walks, postures, attitudes, personalities and poses everywhere you look. I did not sketch as much as I would like too, but I got some pages of rough scribbles and here are some of the more detailed ones I did;

(Had the time to put in more details on some of the sketches while I was on the plane, but a bit too much turbulence made the lines a bit rougher than I would have wanted them to be.. Hehe.)

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