fredag 9. desember 2011

Feedback, more lip sync work and animation-gold outside my window.

Continued to work on the lip sync animation this morning and think I have sorted out most of the things that where mentioned in the previous feedback. I then went out for a walk with my friend Jolien and her puppy to get some air and a break from work. Helped a lot! When I came back I asked my room-mate Ricky for some more feedback and he pointed out something that improved the piece a lot. The mouth was way too open on "followed" and after tweaking it a bit it looked a lot better. It's often small details that makes a huge difference.

I have also started to add some small details in the way he speaks, small things like a small raise of one side on the upper-lip, to break the symmetry in the face. I feel it adds some personality to it and this is a lot of fun to experiment with.

So over to explain the title of this post;

As usual there was some "sketchy guys" out and about on a Friday night and one of them had apparently had a bit too much to drink. He was yelling at another guy who was just waiting outside for someone to open the front-door. And as he stood there, the drunk one started a very loud argument with him. The thing is that the poor fellow never said anything, because the drunk guy spoke (or yelled) for the both of them. And he went back and forth through all the emotions you could think about, but stuck mostly to the aggressive ones.
Anyway, as sorry as I felt for the poor guy who had to listen to him, I just had to see what would happen. At one point I thought I might have to go out and help him out, but the drunk guy seemed to be all words so I just kept an eye on them.
After the police came and took "drunkie" with them I ran up to my room and started to sketch, because this was pure gold as poses and ideas for later.

Here is the situation laid out as I remembered it:

You just can't make this stuff up.

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