tirsdag 6. desember 2011

Lecture and work on the lip sync animation

Today we had a lecture on facial animation and a bit on emotion. Had been through some of it last year, but it was very useful non the less. I'm trying and include some of the things we learned about emotion in the piece now, because the task isn't just matching the lips to the soundtrack, it needs to be a believable performance as well.

I also learned a useful lesson today and that was to include facial expressions in the blocking. This is not only useful for me, it helps the audience to better understand what's going on in the shot as well.
As you can see in the last video I posted on the blog (Friday December 2nd), I had only blocked the body-movement. But since I've already moved on from the blocking stage it's a bit late to do that now, but I'll definitively remember to do that in the block in the next task.

Otherwise I've Been working more on the lip sync animation today. Been mostly focusing on the actual lip sync itself today, so there is a bit of crazy eye-movements going on. But since we got some pointers on that in today's lecture I'll hopefully manage to sort that out.

Here is a preview:

Got some feedback on the piece today as well, so I know I need to work a bit on the body since it's a bit too floaty. It needs some holds, because it's moving to much at the moment.
Also got some tips on the actual lip sync, it was only some minor changes so it might seem like I'm actually on the right track.. I'll keep working on it tomorrow, gone a bit blind on it now.

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