I got feedback on my animation, nothing to say on the lip sync apparently so I take that as it is working. At least for now. My main focus is on the body now, since I was told it was a bit to "drifty", meaning I need to work more on those holds, and also the way the character goes from one pose to the next. I've changed it a lot, so I might benefit from going back to linear-mode and try and fix it there.
After the wip was shown we saw some animation-shorts and just enjoyed ourselves. And around 11:30 we went down to the floor below to sit down in the seating-area and had both pies and home-made biscuits that the tutors and students had brought. Good way to kick off the holidays!
Went shopping for Christmas-presents afterwards, need to bring some of the UK back with me.
And when I got home I sat down to do some work, but it's a lot to arrange before the trip home so I tried to multi task a bit. Packing, cleaning and so on. After that I didn't feel like animating so I put on a episode of "True Blood" and drew some sketches instead. I really like to draw while I watch series, I mainly do it because there are a lot of good acting poses to steal from tv-shows. You need to be fairly quick to read the pose, but it's good training for when your sketching people in real life as well. (You could pause it and draw the pose of course, but that's cheating! Hehe..)
Here's the poses I drew down today:

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