mandag 12. desember 2011

The day before

So, tomorrow is presentation day. I am actually not as stressed out/nervous as I usually am before a presentation. Guess it helps that we have gotten to know each other better during the last months. I'm actually kind of looking forward to presenting.. Guess that is a good thing!

Today I've used most of the day on preparations. I had most of the presentation already, but there where a lack of continuity, basically a bunch of slides in no particular order. So I dedicated the day to arranging everything and running through it a couple of times while timing myself. I'm landing on around 5-7 minutes on the presentation so that should be fine. (ICA says 5-10min)

I still managed to sneak in a few hours on the lip sync animation, I just can't leave it alone.. Hehe. It's changed quite a bit after the feedback I got this weekend, but I like it better as it looks now so I hope I'm not wrong about changing it.

I won't upload a preview now since I need to bring one along to the show and tell on Wednesday and will be uploading that one here as well.. So you'll just have to wait.

In the meantime you can have a look at a clip from one of my favourite animated features. This one is packed with childhood memories since I grew up listening to Phil Collins and watching Disney films. And getting both at the same time is just fantastic! Enjoy.

(This song gives me goosebumps every time.)

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