mandag 24. oktober 2011

Time to post the animation for some feedback.

I am having some problems with my staging at the moment. Or, the staging along with the story. I want the story to be kept as it is, but that means the squirrel needs to jump of the box without the viewer see that he lands. To me at least that is a better ending because I feel it provides the piece with a bit of comedy and that showing the squirrels landing seems a bit unnecessary, it's more entertaining if it just disappears behind the box.
But the problem is that the brief is "ball with tail jumping on a box and off a again", so I need to send an e-mail to Penny and ask if it is indeed wrong according to the guidelines not to show the actual landing when the ball jumps off the box.
(The box will be scaled bigger if the piece is approved the way it is now, so that the squirrel disappears behind it.)

I am also already at the 10 second mark which is the limit so I need to figure out the best way to solve this issue before I move on (The clip does not show the first 2 seconds).

Otherwise I had some issues with the last jump, so I threw away most of the tail animation at the end and started over again so that's why that bit looks unfinished in the wip_video:

I am going to post it in the MA-group as well, since I am at a point in the animation where I need some additional feedback before I start cleaning up.

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