onsdag 5. oktober 2011

Second day on the MA course

Today we had more of a fun and relaxing day. Everybody in the class brought some of their previous work to show to the class. After everybody had shown off their work I realized how much variety there is within the class. We all have different backgrounds; some had mainly done 2D animation, some had done a bit of stop-motion and there where also a lot of good illustrators!

Looking forward to working alongside so many talented people.

We also showed our sketches in class today. Interesting to see that a lot of the poses where so alike, apparently the people walking the streets of Middlesbrough yesterday where pretty much doing the same as everybody else..

After class I went home and started to do some research for my presentation on the animation principle "slow in and slow out". Found some information on the principle itself, but I also did some tests in 3dsMax, just to try and see if I can make the presentation a bit more entertaining.

After a fairly successful dinner I shot some references for the ball-animation. I am amazed of how entertaining it can be to bounce four different balls and see how their weight make them behave in totally different ways. I think I have managed to find my favourite of the bunch, but I'll need to look at them again tomorrow to be certain..

I have modeled my scene so I don't have to worry about that when it is time to start animating. Just a quick test on light to see if it works or not.

(The balls in the scene are just for me to see how the scene will look with objects in it.)

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