I had to make a decision between modelling and rigging my own ball or to go with a free rig. I had one already, but it has it's weak points so I did some research to try and find a more functional and easy rig to use for the task in hand. (I spent quite some time on this, since there is such a poor selection of free rigs for 3dsMax.)
After some time I found a blog that actually had a decent selection of rigs for max, so I will definitively be using this site in the future!
For this task I found this rig;
( Image and rig taken from: http://rigsarena.blogspot.com/2011/08/ball-tail.html )
I thought it looked really simple, easy to use and I liked the visual look of it as well.
But when I tested it I found several flaws with it.. The squash and stretch kind of worked, meaning it did squash, but not stretch.. Which would make this a pretty boring animation piece.
It also became apparent to me that it was not even a ball, it was more.. Egg-shaped.. So I did a quick block with it, but decided to throw it all away and start over from skratch.
The rig I already had was one my friend, Daniel had sent me earlier this summer. I had tried it out once before, so I kind of knew what I needed to sort out. The rig was apparently from the same site, and that was convenient. Here is the rig:
( Image and rig taken from: http://rigsarena.blogspot.com/2011/08/ball-tail-advance-rig-3ds-max.html )
The only problem with this one I found during my blocking. The rig would not rotate. Or, to be exact the ball rotated, but the tail did not follow. But fortunately a quick "linking-experiment" solved this issue, so I decided I would continue animating with this one.
(The only thing I don't like about the look of this rig is the fact that the tail is separated from the body. Had I made one myself I would have modelled it differently, but then again; By using a free rig I save time that I then can use on the actual animation and I thought that was a more reasonable decision..
Now, let's move over to something more entertaining (hopefully).
I have been animating for the last two days and I did not post any work in progress for you to look at yesterday, due to a social event with my fellow MA-students.
(We took a break from work and went for a pint at the Hub. Turned out to be quite inspirational towards the "sing and dance" animation we will be doing later on in the course..)
Anyway, here are two wip_videos of the ball with tail task:
And the latest one:
As you can see in the first clip I have struggled a bit with the rig, but it's getting better. There are some controls on the rig that are supposed to help you add personality (for insatance a feature that allows you to squash and stretch to either side to sort of point the ball towards a direction, without rotating it. But it took some time before I figured out how to work with/around them.. They will mostly be left unused, I don't want to end up losing control of the poses..)
So that is where I am at on this task.
I'll continue working on it tonight and tomorrow I thought I'd go out and do some more pose-sketching.
SvarSlettI have been looking for this kind of rig for 3ds max for my students so they can practice overlapping and timing in general.
Would it kill you if you send it to me?
Thanks in advance!
- A.