As the title says I go the oppurtunity to do a pose in 3D, it's been a long time since I've messed about with a rig now so it was really enjoyable to sit down and do some posing again. The character I got to pose was Nicholas, the pose was for our pitch-document and for the powerpoint that we are showing tomorrow in class.
I am quite happy with the way it turned out, it was important to keep his personality in mind since this pose is representing him as a character. I went for a "cool" and relaxed pose, but tried to show that he is a nice guy and maybe a bit unsecure in this pose - It's not how he normally behaves, he just acts cool:
(First image is some early versions that I tried and the last one is the final pose that went into the pitch-document)

Other than that I have spent all day preparing or tomorrows hand in and presentations. I did my video-diary last night and have spent most of today doing the powerpoint for our presentation. Em's been assembling all the work for the group hand in and Scott has been working on videos for the 3D models and rigs so I said that I could do the powerpoint. It's been a lot of work getting this thing to look right, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like this, but I think it turned out quite good. I enjoy assembling and doing the final look on stuff like this so overall the day has been quite enjoyable. In addition to my own illustrations and images I got a lot of photoshop files and images from Em, so I got to cut and edit bits and pieces together to make the final presentation look visually pleasing and interesting.
I'll try and remember to post it on here tomorrow after hand in, I won't do it now just in case some of the classmates are visiting the blog during the day, wouldn't want to spoil anything.. Hehe.
Otherwise I am quite excited about tomorrow, we got a "few tricks up our sleeve" so I think it could be fun. I'm going to leave the laptop and go through my lines for tomorrow a last few times now and then hit the bed early so I get a good nights rest. The last couple of days have been crazy hectic in order to get everything sorted for the hand in so I think I need to try and catch up on some sleep.
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