So that's it for this module then.. These weeks have gone by really fast, there has been loads and loads of work to do so I haven't really had the time to sit down and think about all the things we have gone through. But now that we had the hand in and printed that enormous Development pack (Think we ended up close to a 100 pages of work) I can really see why time has passed by so fast.
We had the pitch today and I think it went quite well, we handed out our pitch document to Chris, Ellie and Penny and they all got a free "balloon animal" that was attached on the front page.

(the pitch-document is the one with a condom attached...)
We all had our individual parts to talk about in the pitch, but with 5 minutes to present where half of the time was the animatic we really didn't say more than we needed to "sell our idea". The tutors seemed pleased afterwards and at the end the tutors told us that the quality of this years pitches was very high and they all seemed very happy with our efforts.
I took a mental note of this and I know that it's going to be important to keep comments like these in mind for later, I know it's going to be a lot of hard work and very long days so if you have a few of these comments to remind yourself of, it encourages you to keep working when times get tough.
My overall thoughts about the module are very positive, I think I've learned a lot from the feedback we have gotten and without this and the encouragement to keep developing and pushing our idea we would have never come up with Balloon animals. So both me personally and EKSpro have the rest of the MA Course, the tutors and to a certain degree, Ed Hooks to thank for the story that we have today.
So next for us is finishing the scene, the models and assets in Maya and then it's acting time with the voice-actors. Me and Scott have already had the opportunity to tell the story to James (the male actor for Nick's voice) and he seemed excited by the idea, so I can't wait to hear him read the lines in studio. After that we're pretty much animating for the rest of the summer, which I look forward to the most. So it's fingers crossed for bad weather so we don't feel like going outside this summer..! Hehe..
Oh, and as I promised yesterday I will share the powerpoint presentation I made for our pitch:
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