I have made an image so you can see which poses that needs more work:

Pose 1: This is the first appearance of the character on screen so this one might just be the most important pose of them all. It should define the characters personality & mood as well as what he actually is doing in the pose.
The comments where mainly that he looked to relaxed, so I'm going to try one strong line of action to the opposite side and see if that works better. At the moment the hip makes him look to laid back, compared to what I want him to communicate to the audience. He should be excited and full of joy.
Pose 4: Alfonso's left hand is barely visible, so either hide it completely or move it a bit forward.
Pose 6: Out of balance.
Pose 7: Is a hard pose to read, I got some suggestions that I might rise one leg up in the air. The point of this pose is to make him grab the rope with more force and excitement (really overdoing it). This might actually be more of a fun and interesting breakdown than a key-pose actually.
As Richard Williams writes in the "Animator's Survival kit":
- "we can keep on breaking it down into weird places-provided we allow enough screen time to accommodate the movement".
(Animator's Survival Kit p.115)
Pose 15: A purposeless pose. At least no reason for it to be among the key-poses. It doesn't do anything to help tell the story, it's more a transition from pose 14-16.
- To be honest I'm quite happy that so may poses where clear, I still got some key-poses left before I can call it a block, but the feedback-session we did was really useful. We discussed it and all seemed to be happy with the way it worked out, so we are definitively making this a regular thing. Good to keep an eye on each other, I think it helps to motivate us to work and do good - Knowing that you are showing you work more than once a week in class might make us work even harder.
- And the group is working well as a team so far, so that's just great!
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