I struggled mostly with getting the stepped timing work in linear mode, because it tended to loose the attitude and just float through the poses. So a lot of time has been used to emphasise the key poses and making them stand out, and also providing enough time so it's possible to read them clearly.
(According to feedback my animations tend to be a bit "floaty/drifty" so I'm really trying to prevent this from happening on this one)
- I can definitively see this way of jumping back and forth as a better solution, guess it just takes some time getting used to it.
I have worked a lot on re-timing the actions and also overlapping today, so that the movements between the poses feel a bit more natural and also avoiding the "pose-to-pose-look".
Here is a preview of how it looks at the moment:
The other half of the day I have used on planning and research for the presenter-task.
I have done some research and found these two clips useful:
Marc Maron doing his podcast with a guest-comedian:
This one is mainly reference for microphone use, it's good to have some reference on where they keep their focus during the recording. Interestingly enough their actually not speaking t each other, they rarely make eye-contact. And you can see that Marc, the host (guy in the left corner) is actually turning his head, closing his eyes and listening to what the guest is saying instead of looking directly at him. It looks strange, but I guess he needs to do this to control the sound-levels.
Marc Maron one minute rant from wtf.com:
This one is really interesting because it gives me a sneak-peak into how a podcaster might have his studio set up.
I have also started to sketch up my idea, the attitude I'm looking to achieve and the scene and staging of the animation.
Here is some sketches for my planning;
I used this sketch I did earlier (also posted earlier):
as my starting point and built on top of that by looking at my reference-video and the videos I found of Marc Maron.


These are the base or foundation that I will be building my character-profile + storyboard/pose-sheet on so will start working on those tomorrow.
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