onsdag 13. juni 2012

Work in progress for "Balloon Animals"

So the "blogging" might be reduced a bit now that we're starting the final year project begins "for real" and the blog isn't mandatory anymore.. I will try my best to post every other day though, I will gain from this too so.. Since my last post I have been working on the final version of the scene and I did a couple versions with the same base: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ But after a trip to Albert Park to do reference we found a location that fitted our story and staging perfectly, so based on that location we decided to change the scene again. I have been working one four different enviroment layouts for us to chose from. They have the same base, but different asset placements. First a few reference shots and then my new designs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have also been working on a few model references for bushes to help us figure out how to model them in Maya and hopefully make them look close to the bushes in the scene:

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